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⏩ Transition

Πακέτο υπηρεσιών για ομάδες & εταιρείες που μεταφέρονται στο Asana από άλλη πλατφόρμα και δυσκολεύονται με τη μετάβαση.
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Σας aκούγεται γνώριμο;

“Χρειαζόμαστε βοήθεια για τη μεταφορά της εργασίας και των ομάδων μας στον Asana”
“Πρέπει να διασφαλίσουμε μια ομαλή μεταφορά χωρίς διακοπές στην καθημερινότητα μας”
“Δεν έχουμε την πολυτέλεια να αποτύχει αυτή η μετάβαση - πρέπει να ενταχτούνε όλοι”

Η μεταφορά της εργασίας σας σε μια νέα πλατφόρμα μπορεί να είναι μια μεγάλη πρόκληση και περίπλοκη διαδικασία.

Μπορώ να εξομαλύνω αυτή την αλλαγή και να σας καθοδηγήσω σε κάθε βήμα.


Τι περιλαμβάνει:


Online Call for Management & Core Team

📞 Free Asana Demo

Entirely free and no strings attached, this 30min session is for me to show you the features of an Asana tier which you are interested in signing up. We can discuss your requirements, what you are looking for Asana to replace that your current platform is lacking, so I can help decide which tier will provide you with the value you seek.

If you are interested in an Asana annual plan, I can sign you up for a free trial and as your 'Asana account manager', I could potentially offer you a discount on the cost of your first annual subscription, depending on the tier you purchase as well as the number of licences you will require for your members.

30mins |  3 participants max.

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Online Training for Champions

🎓 Champions Training

Every successful onboarding will require a select group of members that we will refer to as 'Champions'. This training session is designed to inspire them and make sure they have all-round knowledge of Asana's features and best practices so they can support other members and drive the adoption of Asana throughout your company.


For beginners or advanced

3h (2x 90mins) |  10 participants max.


Online Training for Management, Core Team & Champions

🔮 Asana Features Overview

These sessions are designed to introduce you and your champions to Asana's essential features in order to inspire them and start thinking of what they can achieve with Asana. These sessions will set the foundations whilst introducing the building blocks which they will have at their disposal for creating projects and processes in Asana.

For beginners or advanced

3h (2x 90mins) |  10 participants max.


Online Workshop for Management & Core Team

📥 Getting your work into Asana

Specially-themed session which showcases the best ways and methods to get your existing work quickly into Asana to get you up and running fast. 


I will show you how to use Asana's CSV importer to bring in work from spreadsheets or other platforms, build intake forms for all types of requests, setup Task templates to reduce repetitive work, as well as convert emails into tasks.

For beginners or advanced

90mins |  15 participants max.

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Online Workshop for Core Team & Champions

🚀 Workflow Design Workshops

Usually part of a series of workshops, these sessions could be either 30, 60 or 90mins each, where I will guide you to build your own projects, processes and workflows in Asana, along with showing you how to make the best use of Asana's features.

For beginners or advanced

30, 60 or 90mins |  5 participants max.

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Online Training for all members & Champions

🎓 Basic Training

A fun and engaging training session, with hands-on exercises, split into two parts, 90mins each, ideal for teams that are just starting out with Asana and need to get up to speed quickly. Training focuses on Asana's fundamentals and hierarchy, best practices and understanding how to communicate and track work in Asana.

For beginners

3h (2x 1h30) |  20 participants max.

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Online Training for Management & Champions

💼 Management Training

Specifically designed for Team Leaders, Executives and Management level, this one-off session will empower you with all the features you need for tracking and reporting on your team or company's work, and providing you with visual dynamic dashboards so you can get the overall picture in one place.

The session will cover Asana's features such as the project Overview and Dashboard tabs, setting up Portfolios and their Dashboards, posting or requesting Status Updates on projects, making use of the Workload feature for reviewing capacity, Universal Reporting and using the Goals feature to set up your company's OKRs and KPIs.

For beginners or advanced

90mins |  10 participants max.

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Online Training for all members & Champions

🙋 Follow up / Q&A

This session typically occurs a few weeks after the roll out of Asana and is open to champions or all members to bring any questions, as well as, focusing on best practices for your workflows.

For beginners & advanced

90mins |  20 participants max.

Αποκτήστε 10% έκπτωση για την 1η ετήσια συνδρομή σας


Σας ενδιαφέρει αυτό που μόλις είδατε;

Εάν αυτό το πακέτο είναι για εσάς, ας ξεκινήσουμε με μια δωρεάν κλήση γνωριμίας

Deena Dahabiyeh

Deena Dahabiyeh

Senior Manager

There’s never a challenge too big for Richard!

"Richard really helped us expedite the launch of Asana. Within just one month, we had fully developed and customized the product and we were able to roll out training to 150 users. His in-depth knowledge of Asana helped us implement features we wouldn’t have been aware of, like bundles, which we’ve rolled out as templates across the organization. As a result of Richard's support we have since expanded Asana usage to 700 users.

For me, there’s never a challenge too big for Richard. Something I thought was really complicated would be built within an hour. It’s been great working with him, and I’d definitely recommend using an Asana partner to make the process easier and more successful."

Services provided in collaboration with iDO

Προαιρετικές επιλογές:

Συμπληρώστε το πακέτο Transition με τις παρακάτω επιπλέον υπηρεσίες και λύσεις:

Support Service

🔽 Importing a CSV into Asana

Got a spreadsheet or set of data in another platform and you need to get it into Asana? You tried doing it yourself using Asana's CSV importer but you are running into problems?

The options, of the dropdown fields that you imported, are not sorted alphabetically or as per your spreadsheet and are being created with random colours but you just want them all grey?

Some columns of your spreadsheet are not importing in the same number format, percentage or currency?

You already have a dropdown custom field in your library that you want to match to a column of the spreadsheet you are importing, but for some reason, you get errors and it won't work?


Let me import your existing projects or spreadsheets, from other platforms, into Asana as new Projects, ready to go!

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​Importing a spreadsheet into Asana is one-off action and it's a big moment - allow me to do it for you. With my expertise, I will be able to consult on what is the best field type for each column and make sure your data is mapped correctly to existing custom fields that are already in your library.


Support Service

📝 Form Builder

Asana's built-in Forms feature is one of my favourite and I absolutely love building forms with it. In case you don't, or you're facing any trouble, I can build your forms for you.

Whether you have existing forms as PDFs, Word docs or setup in other apps such as Wuffoo, Google Forms etc, I can recreate these in your Asana space for you.

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Online Training for all members & Champions

🎓 Advanced Training

This three-part training session, 90mins each, is aimed at existing Asana users who want to take their skills to the next level and harness the power of Asana's advanced features, particularly available on the Business or Enterprise tiers.

Advanced training focuses on a deeper understanding of permission levels, privacy settings of Teams & Projects, management of notifications whilst also managing Custom Fields, in relation to advanced sorting & filtering options and saved view tabs and Dashboards.

The training also covers setting up and managing cross functional projects, creating scalable systems using Rules and multihoming, reviewing docs & images and providing feedback using Asana's Proofing tool, converting tasks to Approvals, Milestones, Subtasks, Task templates or into Projects either manually or using advanced Rules to also create tasks and subtasks.

You will also learn how to save time by launching projects faster by using Project Templates with dynamic dates and project roles, setting up dependencies with the Gantt view, whilst also building Rules and Task templates directly into them.

You may also tailor these sessions by choosing your own topics that you may want to explore such as using Status Updates and Portfolios, managing your team's capacity using the Workload feature, syncing tasks to your calendars, importing CSV to create project or custom fields, building intake forms, creating company knowledge bases (LMS or KMS), maintaining your Asana space clean by archiving old projects, working with external clients or vendors, and methods of sharing your projects, deliverables or Timelines and Gantt charts with them.


Anything that you can think of, I can help you and your team step up your game!

For beginners or advanced

4.5h (3x 1h30) |  20 participants max.


Online Call for Management & Core Team

📶 Free consultation on the right Asana plan and number of seats

If you are not sure which Asana plan is right for you, I offer a free 30-minute call where we can discuss your requirements, along with your budget and how many seats you will require. I can then sign you up for a free trial and as your 'Asana account manager' I can offer you up to a 10% discount on the cost of your first annual subscription.

30mins |  5 participants max.



Ψάχνετε για περισσότερα;

Αν ψάχνετε για μια συγκεκριμένη υπηρεσία ή λύση, ρίξτε μια ματιά στον πλήρη κατάλογο υπηρεσιών μου.

Βρείτε το κατάλληλο πακέτο για εσάς

Εξερευνήστε τα παρακάτω πακέτα με βάση τις απαιτήσεις σας για να δείτε ποιό σας ταιριάζει καλύτερα.

Νέοι στο Asana;

Για ομάδες που είναι νέες στο Asana και χρειάζονται βοήθεια για να ξεκινήσουν γρήγορα.

Για ομάδες που μεταφέρονται στο Asana από άλλη πλατφόρμα και δυσκολεύονται με τη μετάβαση.

Έχετε ήδη το Asana;

Για ομάδες που ήδη χρησιμοποιούν το Asana αλλά χρειάζονται μια συνολική βελτίωση.

Για ομάδες που χρησιμοποιούν ήδη το Asana αλλά θέλουν να το πάνε στο επόμενο επίπεδο.

Δεν έχετε τον χρόνο;

Για ομάδες και εταιρείες που δεν έχουν τον χρόνο ή την δυνατότητα να εκπαιδευτούν και προτιμούν το σύστημα τους στο Asana κατασκευασμένο κατά παραγγελία.

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